5 Steps to Experiencing the Sabbatical Effect During Pandemic Ministry

5 Steps to Experiencing the Sabbatical Effect During Pandemic Ministry

Since March it seems like our world has been flipped upside down. Everything we had planned for our student ministries came to a screeching halt- end of the year celebrations and summer plans were canceled or reconstructed. Though we know this summer of slowness has been no sabbatical, it gives us the ability to reflect and view things from a different point of view. Now, as you prepare to take on ministry for the Fall semester, take some time to walk through these steps.

The Difference Between Hosting a Launch and Just Starting Back

The Difference Between Hosting a Launch and Just Starting Back

Everyone has a Launch even though they don’t use the word. In a Youth Ministry context, a Launch is a focused strategy to restarting a season in ministry. We typically look at the seasons of Youth Ministry as Fall, Spring and Summer. Each has distinct breaks in rhythm. A Launch will recognize those breaks and program to introduce each season with a strategy purpose, theme, and plan.

4 Steps To Planning A Mystery Trip

4 Steps To Planning A Mystery Trip

One of my favorite events in our Student Ministry is the Mystery Trip. We take a fun, short trip (usually 2 nights/3 days) during Spring Break (but it could be whenever it works best for your ministry). We tell the parents where we are going and what we will be doing, but it is literally a mystery to the students. Here are a few simple steps to help you plan a Mystery Trip.

Welcome to the Horizon Blog!

You are heroes!

Youth ministers are our heroes.  We believe that the role of youth minister is the most difficult on church staff.  With that in mind our goal is to listen, advocate and encourage student ministers.  These values run deep through our philosophy of camp, leadership and resources.  

As we enjoy this journey together, let us know how we can help you shape your students to shape the world.