Our world has become familiar with the hashtag #Strong. A social media world has given us a good way to respond by standing together in challenging times for a certain cause. If we could take some liberty and expand the use of the Strong hashtag, I think it could be used in the life of a Student Minister. The calling to work with students is not for the weak of heart. Most know and acknowledge this truth, but no one is exempt from feeling overwhelmed.
Redirect Muscle Memory for Effective Ministry
Youth Ministers are among the most creative people on the planet. Every week there is something new. The grind of creativity is barely noticeable because it is so routine. It’s muscle memory. Following a rhythm for life and ministry make the challenge of creativity easier.
We depend on routines, resources and relationships to bring out the best in programming every week. During recent months we have had to redirect this process hoping for the same results. It is difficult. Challenging but we are figuring it out.
As you work through the grind consider these steps for the long haul. Here’s to better planning and better health!
Attending horizoNEXT Conference: Where Your Voice Matters
Have you ever gone to a conference and upon returning home realized that your best takeaway from the conference occurred away from the conference? The longer I attended conferences, the more I seemed to realize this might be the reality.
Whether it was at lunch, coffee, or in the hallways, the real genius was right next to me. My friends, their friends, peers, and mentors who all love students and feel called to lead them. As we shared a common purpose, we would listen and support one another in the hopes of becoming better at what we do.
One Question Every Youth Minister Will Ask That No One Else Has To Ask
Youth Ministry is challenging. In fact, we say that it is the most difficult position on a church staff. That is why some years ago we framed our ministry to Student Ministers with these words …
Horizon Youth Ministry exists to listen, encourage, and advocate for Youth Ministers everywhere.
Youth Minsters are our heroes plain and simple.
One thing that distinguishes Youth Ministry from other ministries on a church staff is the one question a Youth Minister will ask that no one else on church staff will have to ask.
That question?
“What’s next?”
4 Targets to Hit Every Time You Teach
When you are with students during your teaching time you never know what you are going to get. And yet, every time you teach you have the opportunity to bring students closer to God through scripture, story, and relationship.
And here lies the tension. How can you consistently teach students for life change?
5 Steps to Experiencing the Sabbatical Effect During Pandemic Ministry
Since March it seems like our world has been flipped upside down. Everything we had planned for our student ministries came to a screeching halt- end of the year celebrations and summer plans were canceled or reconstructed. Though we know this summer of slowness has been no sabbatical, it gives us the ability to reflect and view things from a different point of view. Now, as you prepare to take on ministry for the Fall semester, take some time to walk through these steps.
The Difference Between Hosting a Launch and Just Starting Back
Everyone has a Launch even though they don’t use the word. In a Youth Ministry context, a Launch is a focused strategy to restarting a season in ministry. We typically look at the seasons of Youth Ministry as Fall, Spring and Summer. Each has distinct breaks in rhythm. A Launch will recognize those breaks and program to introduce each season with a strategy purpose, theme, and plan.
3 Simple Questions to Evaluate 2018
What was your biggest takeaway from 2017? Yes, that’s right, not 2018, but what did you learn from the effort you put forth in 2017?
Do you have a formal review process to check over at the end of a year? Do you have an informal one? Do you have a place where you right down lessons you learned and tweaks you wanted to make in 2018?