Creating Space through Advent

Creating Space through Advent

If I could do one thing better during Advent, it would be to slow down. This is a challenge for most of us all throughout the year, but particularly difficult during the Christmas season where the common theme seems to be MORE. More gifts, more food, more events on my schedule—you get the picture, you’re constantly creating space for more.

What if you started this Advent season creating space for less? Having less creates space for a higher value.

The second week of the New Year I like to take my reflection to a practical level and begin getting rid of things. Creating space helps me evaluate whether that space remains open or is taken up with something of higher value. 

  1. I want to first consider my headspace. I want to guard my thoughts particularly well during this time. It is my opportunity to consider Christ and listen. I begin looking for devotional material and books that will give me direction over the next year.

  2. Next, I clear space on my calendar. I want to make sure that the things I put on the calendar reflect my highest values. Often the calendar becomes an open appointment book for others to fill up. On my calendar I create space around Lent and Easter, I look ahead to the next Advent season and key periods during the year where I can give some pause and rest.

  3. Other spaces that I try to clear during Advent is my office, my garage, and my home. I am in these spaces every day. Therefore, if they are clutter-free it creates a greater sense of openness in the other areas of my life. 

Creating space will take time and may help you live with less. 

Thanks for your feedback this week. Keep in touch and share some of your New Year practices with me at