Youth Ministers Are My HEROES!

Youth Ministers Are My HEROES!

This week I had the opportunity to sit around tables with Student Ministers in our network to develop programming for our summer camp. I opened with the question, “What’s next in your Student Ministry?” and that is all it took. For the next hour and a half, I listened as these ministers shared stories from their life, from their churches and students.



It started a week ago when we studied the extended forecast and realized we would be in for a challenging week in our church programming leading up to Ash Wednesday.

My morning was interrupted when my wife texted me that she was stuck on Interstate 20, only 10 minutes from our house and 30 minutes from her school where she teaches. For over four hours she didn’t move. Almost immediately I have flashbacks of fatigue. This has been a challenging year in many, many ways. Now it’s one more thing.

Journey or Adventure?

Journey or Adventure?

It has only been during the later part of my ministry that the Lenten season has taken on such deep meaning. As a young believer, I was aware of Ash Wednesday and of course the high season of Palm Sunday and Easter but this journey of Lent was missing.

It’s a long journey. I learned this the hard way by overcommitting my fast and failing to sustain my commitment until Easter. I would later learn that you don’t really fail, you learn, you listen, and you continue the journey.

It’s Spring... and I’m Not Talking About the Weather

It’s Spring... and I’m Not Talking About the Weather

Few seasons get by you faster than Spring. If you have been following our information on rhythm, you know from our post last fall that Spring Break is the turning point in the Spring season and we are now only 6/7 weeks from most Spring Break weeks.

We do our best to give you a look ahead into the seasons where you can prepare your ministry calendar, leadership, and communication funnel.